(02) 6248 5446 (02) 6247 4807

Patient Information

To book an appointment or ask any questions, please phone the practice on (02) 6248 5446 or (02) 6247 4807.

Book Appointment

Appointments – We encourage patients to make appointments with the doctor of their choice. While we try to maintain appointment times, some problems take longer to deal with than others. Please be patient and understanding – the doctor will also give you all the time you need. Your help in requesting extra time for complex and thorough examinations such as annual health checks, multiple problems, surgical procedures, mental health plans and travel health would be appreciated.

If you are experiencing chest pain, heavy bleeding or difficulty breathing we recommend that you go to your nearest hospital immediately. Please advise the receptionist on arrival if you believe you require urgent medical attention. 

Billing Information – 
The cost of services can be obtained from the receptionists. The practice does not operate on credit and patients are requested to pay at the time of the consultation. We accept cash, EFTPOS and credit card. Patients who have difficulty paying should discuss the issue with their doctor. Workers Compensation claims and Third Party Insurance claims are the responsibility of the patient. Payment at the time of consultation is required.

On weekdays, the fee for a standard consultation is $105 and a long consultation is $190.
Our fees for telephone consultations are the same as face-to-face consultations with our doctors.

Nursing Home Visits – At Wattle Street Medical Practice we provide visits to Nursing homes in the surrounding areas. Please contact reception to organise a visit on (02) 6248 5446 or (02) 6247 4807.

Home Visits – Home visits can be made in special circumstances if your situation renders and you are unable to attend the Practice.

Cancellation Policy – It is our practice policy that you provide at least 4 hours notice if you are unable to keep an appointment, unless there are unavoidable circumstances. If due notice is not given a fee of $40 may be charged to your account for the appointment. If there is an outstanding account due to missed appointments or late cancellations, you may not be given another appointment until the account is settled.

Test Results – Test results can be discussed with your doctor or the practice nurse. We will contact you for any urgent or non-urgent follow up appointments. If you would like to check on the status of your results please call our reception team.

Privacy – The practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information stored in your medical record. It is the policy of this practice to ensure the security of this record at all times and this information is only available to authorised members of staff.

Repeat Prescriptions – To obtain a repeat prescription patients must book an appointment with the doctor. Script requests will not be taken over the phone.

Medical Certificates – Medical Certificates are a legal document. It is illegal to back-date medical certificates and they will only be issued for genuine medical conditions that require time off from work or study. To obtain a medical certificate you must have a consultation with a doctor. A small fee may be charged for replacement medical certificates.

Email requests for medical advice – Wattle Street Medical Practice does not accept email requests for medical advice.  Patients wanting medical advice must obtain an appointment to see a doctor.

Comments and complaints – At Wattle Street Medical Practice we welcome your comments on how to improve our services. Please talk to your doctor or our receptionists about your concerns or suggestions. Alternately, you can request a patient feedback form from one of our receptionist. In the unfortunate event of less than satisfactory service from administrative or medical staff please ask to speak to the Practice Manager Nhung Tran.

Find Us

Wattle Street Medical Practice
83 Wattle Street
ACT, 2602

Phone: (02) 6248 5446 or (02) 6247 4807
Fax: (02) 6247 8795

Opening Hours

8:30AM - 6PM
8:30AM - 6PM
8:30AM - 6PM
8:30AM - 6PM
8:30AM - 6PM
©2024 Wattle Street Medical Practice